“Sakamoto Days” is a Japanese action and comedy manga written and illustrated by Yuto Suzuki. The “Sakamoto Days” anime is rumored to be 11 episodes in length and is produced by TMS Entertainment.
Sakamoto falls in love with a woman who makes him forget his job as a hitman. He got married, had children, and built a happy family. Leaving his previous job, Sakamoto built a convenience store. Sakamoto also has employees who look after the store. His employees are named Shin and Lu Xiaotang.
As time goes by, Sakamoto gets involved again with his old job (hitman). Some of the people he was involved with tried to harm Sakamoto, and Sakamoto’s family was also threatened. Therefore, Sakamoto and his two store employees try to avoid the threat. How will Sakamoto protect his family from the bad guys who want to harm him?
Source: Instagram @otaku_anime_indonesia